#243 Poster

Monday 16 April 15:00 - 17:15 Bar/Conservatory

OCW and OER-Based Digital Textbooks in Teacher Education Programs

Han Liu, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, US

Conference Theme:

This session introduces the design, content, development, and application of two OCW and OER-based digital textbooks for teacher education.

It is particularly significant to help teacher candidates to get customary in applying OERs and OCW in their classroom instruction and life-long professional development, because teacher are leaders and role models who demonstrate digital age learning and digital-life experience to the next generation on the daily basis. This presentation will introduce the design and content and demonstrate the development and application of two OCW and OER-based digital textbooks for teacher preparation programs. One is on instructional technology and the other is on social studies methods. These two digital textbooks have been used consecutively for eight semesters with an accumulated user population of more than six hundred. A sets of longitudinal research data indicated that the users value the digital textbooks greatly as they have been so closely involved as editors and OER contributors themselves. 
The OCW and OER-based digital textbook is compiled and edited by the instructor, using carefully evaluated and re-organized open sources (mostly internal and external hyper-links to relevant OCW or OERs) as major contents presented and delivered in website format.
Students are encouraged and required to contribute their shares to the digital textbook content, be it a website, a segment of text information, a podcast, a video, a game, or a quiz, etc.   Each chapter of the Digital Textbook includes a chapter introduction, a lecture PowerPoint focusing on theories and concepts, and a set of questions for reflection, followed by assessments elected from open sources or developed by the instructor. The features of the digital textbook are summarized as the following:

The development of the OCW and OER-based digital textbook followed three steps: