#257 Poster

Monday 16 April 15:00 - 17:15 Bar/Conservatory

Quality of learning materials, a minimum model for Wikiwijs

Robert Schuwer, Open Universiteit, Netherlands

Conference Theme:

A quality model and experiences of its application in Wikiwijs is outlined

In the Netherlands, Wikiwijs has to be the place where all teachers of the Netherlands, ranging from primary education to higher education, can (co)develop, share, rework and use digital learning materials, published under an open license. Since the launch of the first version of this portal in 2009, several 100,000s learning materials are made available through Wikiwijs. Most of the content available in Wikiwijs resides in repositories outside of Wikiwijs. The metadata of the learning materials in these repositories are harvested and thereby made available to the search engine of Wikiwijs. When a user wants to access the materials, they leave Wikiwijs and enter the repository in which the learning material resides.
Concerning the quality of the learning materials, Wikiwijs does not present a minimum threshold for learning materials from the philosophy that teachers are the best capable of judging the quality of these materials. Therefore, Wikiwijs only offers rating and review possibilities to make quality visible. Since the launch of Wikiwijs, several complaints were made about the quality of the learning materials, ranging from non-accessibility caused by dead links, wrong metadata, to bad quality of the content. We therefore decided to appoint several editors to judge randomly found learning materials. To do so, we needed to create a model to outline the minimum quality learning materials should possess. This model had to take into account both the philosophy of Wikiwijs (as low a threshold as possible) and the practical application of it (efficient judging of learning materials should be possible).
In the presentation we will sketch the quality model and the experiences in its use by the editors.