#282 Presentation

Wednesday 18 April 10:10 - 10:40 Bowett Room

Promotion of OER development in Indian Universities

Savithri Singh, Acharya Narendra Dev College (University of Delhi), India

Conference Theme:

The author describes her experiences of trying to promote OER content development for the UG level among University teachers.

Indian Universities have in recent years started uploading content on the web but usually in formats that are unaccessible to the general public.  The option of them being Open Educational Resources has hardly been explored by any University. This, though the Ministry of Human resources Development - education Ministry has been stressing the importance of use of IT in educational and that of creating content thats is in the OER format. Content that is uploaded as Pdf, or as uneditable formats form the bulk of educational content.  Merely providing access to content does not make it OER - understanding licences with regard to educational content has to be made a priority.  Distrust of formats that allow open edit, adaption, and adoption continues to be all pervasive in the country.
The author of this paper will describe her experiences of developing OER, of conducting over twenty training workshops on OER, and in guiding teachers to develop OER.