#289 Poster

Monday 16 April 15:00 - 17:15 Bar/Conservatory

Simple and Attractive Streamlined Knowledge Dissemination

Peter Kese, Viidea, Slovenia

Conference Theme:

We present how progressive enhancement of static lecture videos can transform them into engaging online educational resources.

Years spent building software platforms powering a multitude of educational web sites and hosting more than 15,000 video lectures made us realise that building more powerful online platforms often leads to increased complexity requiring too much personal investment from users and editors which consequently limits the system’s effectiveness as a knowledge dissemination platform.
With this in mind we have embarked on a mission to build a software platform that streamlines the process of online publication of lecture videos and accompanying slides as well as enriching them with assessment capabilities. At every step the barrier to entry for staff and volunteers is kept at minimum by providing clean and simple interfaces as well as relying on automated online services wherever possible.
This poster presentation will present our approaches to streamlining this process and how progressive enhancement of materials can be used to transform static videos into engaging online educational experiences.