#321 Poster

Monday 16 April 15:00 - 17:15 Bar/Conservatory

Testing a Strategy for Collaborative Course Development: harnessing the potential of OER

Lucy Alexander & Nandipha Matshanda, University of the Western Cape, South Africa

Conference Theme:

 The School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape is in the process of revising its Masters level Qualitative Research Methods course offered through distance learning to health professionals across 17 countries in Africa. The curriculum team has invited collaboration from two other higher education institutions with an interest in developing learning resources for teaching Qualitative Research Methods.
The strategy is aimed at: harnessing the value of open education resources sourced from the internet, to re-purpose those that are relevant to the curriculum plan, and to co-develop additional learning multi-media elements which will be shared and offered as OERs. Potential benefits are to enhance curriculum design through collaborative deliberation, and to develop a range of learning elements for the collaborating institutions and eventually for the wider higher education community.
The process will be undertaken as an Action Research process with cycles of planning, action and reflection. By documenting the process we hope to achieve a deeper understanding of the benefits and challenges of collaboration around curriculum renewal, and sharing open education resources.