#342 Presentation

Tuesday 17 April 11:30 - 12:00 Fitzpatrick Theatre

OCW Universités de France

Clara Danon, Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, France & Sophie Touze, Université de Lyon, France

Conference Theme:

French Minister of Education joining in 2012 OpenCourseWare Consortium to federate and promote Open initiatives

To promote success of students and contribute to the influence of the French higher education, the Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche decided in 2003 to give them open high quality pedagocial resources  produced by their teachers.
The concept was to create a virtual campus by thematic, the UNT Universités Numeriques thématique. Seven UNT cover the whole academic disciplines :
1.            UN3S Santé (médecine, pharmacie, odontologie et sciences du sport)
2.            UNIT Sciences de l’ingénieur
3.            UNJF Sciences juridiques
4.            UVED Environnement et développement durable
5.            UOH Sciences humaines et sociales, lettres, langues et arts
6.            AUNEGE Economie et gestion
7.            UNISCIEL Sciences fondamentales
Teachers are engaged  to produce and mutualise pedagogical resources. Resources are validated by a scientific committee for each UNT.
75 universities, 36 écoles, 17 institutes and 22 partners associated to 6 abroad universities participe to the project.
22,000 resources indexed are accessible by students and teachers through a web portal UNT http://www.universites-numeriques.fr/ They can find documents, courses, exercises and vidéos to complete their learning or teaching.
In France 2 318 000 students and 93 000 enseignants teachers are concerned but in the world, it is much more with 18 millions of francophones students.
Joining in 2012 the OCW Consortium our ambition is to open for all of them access to those resources, to develop new ways of learning and teaching and to make the world a better place to be tomorrow and already today.