#353 Presentation
Tuesday 17 April 15:15 - 15:45 Armitage Room
A Systemic Perspective of Open Educational Resources in Brazil
Andreia Inamorato dos Santos, DigiLearn, Brazil
Conference Theme: Impact
Summary: This presentation draws on a review commissioned by UNESCO about the state of the art of open educational resources in Brazil
Abstract: This presentation draws on a review commissioned by UNESCO IITE – Moscow about the state of the art of open educational resource sin Brazil. I will briefly describe the structure of the Brazilian education system and suggest how OER could be beneficial within the context of the national priorities for education. I will discuss relevant example cases of international collaboration in OER. The overview of OER presented in the UNESCO paper is a product of a comprehensive but non-exhaustive desktop research in which most of the government and non-government open-digital-content and OER initiatives have been looked at as well as the motivations underpinning them.
The review provides an overview of current open-digital content and, whenever applicable, open educational resources (OER) initiatives within the context of the action plan created as a result of the National Education Plan (PNE 2001-2010), and of its successor (PNE 2011-2020). I will also discuss the recommendations presented in the paper for the adoption of OER at basic and higher education levels, which are applicable to both the private and public education systems of Brazil. Focus will be given to the importance and role of a number of topics which relate to OER development and delivery, such as technology, pedagogy, copyright, policy and quality control.