Monday 16 April 2012 |
Fitzpatrick Theatre |
Bowett Room |
Armitage Room |
08.30 |
R E G I S T R A T I O N & R E F R E S H M E N T S |
10.30 |
Welcome: Andy Lane, Conference Chair |
10.45 |
Keynote 1: Sarah Porter, JISC |
11.25 | |||
11.30 |
266 Panel |
Chair: |
Chair: |
12.00 |
246 It takes two - Delivering public health education to students in low/middle income countries: the effects of OCW/OER on teaching practices Sheringham, J. |
244 Supporting formal and informal, non-traditional learning in the workplace through CPD-related OERs Gomez, S. | |
L U N C H |
13.30 |
Chair: |
Chair: |
Chair: |
14.00 |
365 KNEXT | 295 Mobile Learning with OCW - Generation of smarter learners Yamawaki, S. | 335 OCW Creation Surveys on 4 Continents Hardin, J. |
14.30 |
361 Linked OpenCourseWare Data: a demonstration of the potential for exploitation of data Tovar, E. | 269 Exploring OER rich media reuse through social media content communities Follows, C. | 235 Conditions required to implement OER practices in the Higher Education of Latin America Cobo, C. |
15.00 |
R E F R E S H M E N T S |
15.15 |
Chair: |
Demonstrations Chair: 236 Mobile Xerte - Mobile Learning Spaces Tenney, J. |
Demonstrations Chair: |
15.45 |
347 Matching OER Ideals and Practices in India: a survey Harishankar, B |
240 Writing Commons, Peer Production.. Moxley, J. |
327 Expanding the Ecosystem for Remixable OER Fletcher, K. |
16.15 |
307 transLectures Juan, A. |
355 Global Platform for Open Education Kumar, N. |
16.45 |
17.15 |
C L O S E |
18.00 |
R E C E P T I O N & S OC I A L M I X E R (University Combination Room) |